Friday, December 18, 2015

Update on Gibsons Counselling: Dec 18, 2015

The most recent comment from a client:

"It was really good to get your thoughts and feedback today and I am excited about moving forward."  S.M.


Hello Current and Potential Clients,

I will continue counselling clients in Canada using Skype while in Mexico. I expect to arrive Jan 1 and will be available for service shortly after. Contact me at any time by emailing me at

I also hope to offer one on one counselling while living in Mexico as well as some workshops and seminars. 

Our sunny environment in Mexico is an uplifting place. I will be offering two day retreats for folks who are interested in creative art as therapy, and a healing environment for rest, talk therapy and nature walks.

I will be posting seminars and programs during my 4 month stay in Chapala, Mexico.

Contact me by Skype or email! 

Skype ID   mintzy1

Happy Holiday Season, Best Wishes for a wonderful 2016

Monday, November 2, 2015



Creative Play for People with Compromised HealTH: A series of sessions focusing on activities and talk therapy facilitated by Evi Blueth, Counsellor will take place at 576 North Fletcher Rd. 

Evi Blueth
576 North Fletcher Rd.
Gibsons, BC
V0N 1V9
604 886 8097

Since everyone has different interests and different schedules I’m writing a list of activities varying the days of the week. I will proceed with any of these programs if a minimum of 4 people register and pay ahead. Please choose which seminars interest you by number and reply by email letting me know which ones you would enjoy attending. Art supplies are included. All sessions will take place at Evi’s, 576 North Fletcher Rd., Gibsons.

You are welcome to pay using PayPal (let me know and I can send an invoice), e-interact, or mail a check to Evi Blueth at the above address.

As a longtime sufferer of Fibromyalgia I feel passionate about the many ways we can feel uplifted and manage our compromised
health. I hope this group will be an inspiration to all. As a mental health rehab worker and counselor, I have been so impressed at how creativity, exercise and nature walks improve our lives and physical health. The encouragement of a supportive group where folks understand each other and empathize is not only enlivening but can prompt significant changes in mood, health and attitude.

I am including a variety of activities that engage different aspects of “self”. I hope to follow up with a very different program in the late spring of 2016.  I have space for 8 attendees, and anyone who didn’t attend the original seminar is welcome to participate.

I am also available for private one on one consultations on a “sliding scale” if you prefer.  

Program Description and Dates (day of the week varies)

1)Rubbings –Creating your own wrapping paper or original “Wall Art”.  This is an easy process, and surprisingly pleasing when colour is added, then black paint used to bring out the bright colours and patterns.

Rubbings, one of the most universal and perhaps the oldest of the techniques used in printmaking is fun, easy and creative. Rubbings are made by carefully pressing paper onto a carved or incised surface so that the paper conforms to the features to be copied. The paper is then blacked and the projecting areas of the surface become dark, while indented areas remain white.
This technique can be personalized by bringing your own textured objects from home, a colander, kitchen items, sand paper, jewelry, or anything with a distinct pattern that is bumpy or ridged in some way. You can also select leaves or items from the garden (press first with a book).
$22.00 per person

2) Nov 14: Paint on Silk 1:00- 4:15: Learning how to use Gutta as a resist to create stunning designs, abstract impressions, or colourful paintings on silk stretched on a hoop. All supplies and instruction provided. Each person will complete a round silk painting stretched on a hoop. I will show how the steaming is done so you can achieve brilliant colours. You can do this at home, or during our next session. The silk dyes need to “rest” for 48 hours before steaming. $40.00 (silk, dyes, hoop, and all supplies provided.

3) Thursday Nov. 19: 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm – This session will focus on exercise, as little or as much as you can do sitting down or standing up. Bring a mat or blanket. We will do gentle stretching. Each person will go at his/her own pace. A guided visualization will be followed by a discussion on self-care and check in. How is each person doing with the attainable goals they established?

4) Writing Workshop: Thursday Nov. 26 – 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
We will begin this session with simple stretching exercises. People are asked to bring a quote that inspires them. Anyone wishing to share the quote can do so. We will then place topics in a hat and do a series of 10 minute writing exercises. Anyone wishing to read their writing is welcome to. The session will end with a discussion on any obstacles or difficulties we are experiencing. Brainstorming and supportive “talk therapy” will follow. We will discuss how therapeutic journal writing helps us heal.
$15.00 per person

5) Dec 10 Thursday (Last Session) – 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm
Painting on white cloth bags. Carry your groceries in a self-made work of art! All supplies including beige heavy cotton bags provided. Make someone a gift, or create your own art bag. Learn different methods of printing and painting on cotton.
We will have a short check in following this last program. Bring treats to share if you like.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Creative Play Workshop for People with Fibromyalgia and Compromised Health
5 Sessions, Each Session 2.5 hours
I will be offering 5 follow up sessions Oct 31, Nov 7, Oct 14, Oct 21, and Oct 28
1:00-3:30 PM
All Art Supplies and Materials are included
$135.00 per person

Oct 31 – Weather Permitting:  Meet at Cliff Gilker Parking lot, walk at your own pace, bring a camera or ipad to photograph nature. Goal is a 30 minute photo walk in nature. Find imagery while walking that presents as an analogy to some aspect of your life. (photograph it) Return to Evi’s place to check in, discuss how you are doing with your goals, bring up any problems or obstacles preventing you from moving forward.
If the weather isn’t nice come directly to Evi’s place, 576 North Fletcher. Each person will learn how to paint on silk stretched on a silk hoop. We may need two sessions to complete this creative play-painting project. Use the imagery from any visualization as inspiration for your silk painting. We will always dedicate 30 minutes to check in and share how we are doing with our goals and intentions.

Nov 7-  If the weather is nice we will meet at Cliff Gilker Park, if not come directly to Evi’s place, 576 North Fletcher. This session will focus on exercise, stretching, dance, and directed visualization followed by a group discussion on how we each can create more self-care and establish positive habits.

Oct.14 – If the weather is nice we will meet at Bonnie Brook by the sea. We will begin with some stretching exercises in the fresh air, then do some slow walking for up to 30 minutes if possible. If you can’t walk that long, there are benches to sit down on. We will return to Evi’s house for a group discussion and check in. Is anything holding you back? Are you maintaining daily and weekly goals? How are you doing?

Oct 21- Art Play – We will create rubbings on either paper to be made into cards of sheets of white paper to be use as wrapping paper. Bring a collection of things with texture, leaves, textured plastic, flat household items, coins etc. (I will also supply items to use). We will use oil pastels, crayons or candles to imprint the objects on our sheets of paper. We will then use liquid tempera or coloured inks and cover the entire surface in colour. Glitter can be added for a festive touch. The last step is string painting using either watered down tempera or black ink. I include some examples made by kids. This is a totally fun activity but produces
brilliant results with minimal effort. Bring treats and we will have tea and admire our creations as they dry.

Oct 28- Exercise and Writing Workshop: If the weather is nice we will meet at Bonnie Brook and begin this session with stretching exercises and fresh air. If possible we will try and walk for 40 minutes then meet at Evi’s place. If it’s raining come directly to Evi’s, bring a yoga mat and we will do stretching exercises and slow aerobics to music. After exercises and visualization we will sit around the circle table and pick topics out of a hat that are relevant to our healing journey. This session is dedicated to writing “off the cuff”. You don’t need writing skills! Just write what comes to mind. There will be two topics per person. Anyone is welcome to read aloud to the group. Since this is our last session, bring some refreshments to share. We will have a relaxed time drinking tea and coming up with other ideas that continue to help us find fluidity, relaxation, creativity, humour and support. My hope is that you have acquired some skills to use in your lives that will bring inspiration, reduce anxiety, increase energy and flexibility. The experience of engaging in a variety of activities in a spirited way with others should help inspire you to continue working towards your own personal goals.

Car pooling can be arranged ahead among group attendees. I chose these dates but I am flexible if attendees prefer week days. Please email me or we can discuss this at the end of the seminar.

604 886 8097

604 886 8097

Seminar on Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Compromised Health

Seminar on Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, and Compromised Health

Gibsons, BC
V0N 1V9

Tel. 604 886 8097

Evi Blueth, Counsellor                                              Oct. 24, 2015
576 N. Fletcher Rd.

Agenda for Today

We will respect each person’s confidentiality. What is said in this room stays in this room.

There are extra notebooks and pens for anyone who didn’t bring one, feel free to take notes on anything new you learn, or any ideas that surface

Help yourself to herbal tea or coffee at any time, also snacks – feel free to be comfortable and do what you need to do. This is a safe place for all to be themselves. There may be moments when you feel emotional, this is normal, don’t feel embarrassed, we are here to support you.

The bathroom is on the right down short hallway close to living room.

I will show everyone my counselling room where I have prepared a place to lie down if anyone needs to rest or take time out for any reason, feels overwhelmed emotional and just needs a break…feel free to wander to this room and return when ready.

  I will start by introducing myself and sharing my story, this will be followed with each person introducing themselves and telling as much or as little as they wish about their own story.

2)    Coping Strategies: How do we ensure others consider our limitations? 


a) Let people know your limits

b) Be specific and polite (I can’t lift this alone) (I’m too tired to do activities at night, why don’t we meet for lunch?) 

c) Delegate – get help  (how can we do this? Family, Friends, Volunteer Drivers, Can we trade? (Rental, teaching? Do we have any skills we can trade for work that is difficult to do such as house cleaning, gardening?) ( hire folks if you can afford this)

d) Be realistic (how many hours can I do a certain thing?) (Factor it in, and don’t hesitate to share your limits with family, friends and co-workers)

e) Instead of opting out of everything, find ways to be present but for less time

f) Take breaks, do some deep breathing

g) Deep breathing (we will all do some deep breathing for 3 minutes)

What can we add to these coping strategies?

10 Minute Break

The problems of an invisible illness:

1) People think you’re lazy

2) People expect more of you than you have the energy for

3) People don’t understand

4) It is possible to experience personal shame, even though it is not our fault we are unwell.

Be their educator, be true to your energy, get used to setting limits so you do this on automatic pilot.

Once you accept and embrace your limitations it’s much easier to hold fast to what you can and can’t do without feeling judged

This is always harder in the early phases of compromised health but becomes second nature over time. Plus it is very likely you will become more capable as time passes.

Stop caring about what other people think focus on your own needs. Self-care is essential. Don’t feel guilty about it. When you recharge, you have more energy to offer others.

The Power of Visualization 3 – 4 minutes. You can do this anywhere. It provides relaxation, can be mood changing and is a coping skill worth practicing.

Grounding, feet touching floor, relax your body, find a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Take yourself to a known of imaginary place where you feel happy, serene and uplifted. Explore it. Look at the colours, enjoy the smells of this special place, feel the texture of what is around you that soothes and calms you.  Explore slowly with all your senses and wallow in the luxury of a wonderful glorious place. 

After 3.5 minutes I will bring you back slowly and gently to the room we are in. Take your time and open your eyes when ready. Wiggle your fingers and change your posture if needed.

We will go around the room and see how each person experienced this? Was it helpful? Could you get better at it?

Sharing ideas about supplements and medications.  Group discussion.

B2/6/12 injection every 3 weeks
Lots of Sunshine
Green Tea
Vitamin C, Calcium, and Vitamin E

Coping Strategies - Punctuating Life

1)    If you have a busy series of hours or days, plan rest time appropriately
2)    Plan ahead if possible (know that you will take 2- 5 days off to rest after your guests visit) or any demanding activities take place.
3)    Take time out even in public places, find a bench, park or quiet place
Close your eyes and do visualization or some deep breathing. You will feel refreshed and able to carry on. Take breaks as needed, anywhere anytime, be resourceful. Stop in a church, or library if in a big city. Twenty minutes of visualization deep breathing can help you recharge.
 4) There will be times when you will be “pushing through” due to life’s
 circumstances. It is always a strain and uncomfortable when in these
 situations. Choose wisely when it’s worth it, and plan recuperation time.

         Please add some ideas!

Planning Attainable Goals

Please take 10 minutes to write down one or two goals that you feel are attainable. They can be exercise focused, project focused, choose anything that you have been thinking you want to do. Break a project up into baby steps and write down how you will attain this goal.

Anyone who wants to share an idea, please do so.

Anyone who needs to brainstorm how to achieve a goal, share the idea and we may be able to break the project up into doable portions.

We all need a sense of purpose, a feeling of accomplishment and daily exercise.

Art for Creativity

If we have time, I would like each person to use my multimedia table of art supplies to create a card. This is a card you are creating for yourself. Choose the most important thing you learned and turn it into a picture, impression, drawing, or mixed media painting. In the card write a promise to yourself that will help you carry out your intentions to move towards a more empowered happier life.

Thank You All!

Please read the program planned that follows this Seminar. This program will engage more active methods of finding greater health and enjoyment of life. Anyone interested, please register with me.  Each session will be approximately 2.5 hours.  The program is called “Creative Play”.

Comment from An Attendee to the Workshop:

Hello Evi,

Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about FM.  I’ve read so much about it but to hear peoples stories that live with the disease was much more meaningful and enlightening. And it was also helpful to give me some direction with my own health issues.
